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ENSEMBLE Expectation and Non-formal Skills

to Empower Migrants and

to Boost Local Economy


The main objective of ENSEMBLE is to develop an INNOVATIVE NFIL MECHANISM (non-formal and informal learning) that allows the educators (trainers, mentors, tutors..) to profile the migrants' professional skills set to promptly and swiftly direct them towards the most suitable VET offer (custom solutions) for employment.
To achieve an EFFECTIVE mechanism, ENSEMBLE will consolidate the relative dynamics of the two target groups identified in the VET educators and VET migrant trainees:

  • educators: NFIL recognition service provider mainly with OPERATIONAL NEEDS and COUNSELLING DYNAMICS

  • migrants: NFIL recognition service beneficiary mainly with identification of LEARNING NEEDS and LEARNING MEANS/TOOLS.
The collection of data is be based on an online and face-to-face survey and the information collected will be evaluated by a staff composed of psychologists, cultural mediators, educational experts and VET technical experts to develop the INNOVATIVE NFIL MECHANISM which includes OER TOOLS and GUIDES for properly map the NFIL of incoming migrants.

  Take the survey now!  

  Final report  



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.