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ENSEMBLE Expectation and Non-formal Skills

to Empower Migrants and

to Boost Local Economy

Intercultural communication
Transversal tools

COE Toolkit - Breaking the ice and building group confidence

Learning outcomes:
To provide some suggestions on how to help a new migrant group feel comfortable and work together to improve language skills, as well as their confidence

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General overview of origin countries

COE Toolkit - Ethical and intercultural issues to be aware of when working with refugees

Learning outcomes:
To recognise migrants’s cultural, personal and professional caracteristics and conditions

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Identification of Migrant`s needs

COE Toolkit - Finding out what refugees can already do in the target language and what they need to be able to do

Learning outcomes:
To identify personal distresses and needs not crearly declared

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Identification of Migrant`s needs

COE Toolkit - Identifying refugees’ most urgent needs

Learning outcomes:
To identify personal distresses and needs not crearly declared

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Intercultural communication

COE Toolkit - Responding appropriately to cultural difference and managing intercultural communication

Learning outcomes:
- To interpret the cultural codes of the persons involved in the relationship (prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) in order to facilitate communication exchange and avoid misunderstandings - To adopt the most appropriate communication techniques and behavioral modalities to manage the different relational situations - To adapt your professional posture according to the different interpersonal and intercultural situations of the people who are welcomed. - To eliminate stereotypes and apply critical thinking.

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Supportive relationship

COE Toolkit - Starting to socialise

Learning outcomes:
- To support the migrant to take a positive awareness of his/her movements (or migrations) and of the moments that have allowed the progressive construction of their identity. - To adopt behaviors adapted to the needs and specificities of the migrant and relativize the differences and the distances between cultures. - To facilitate the dialogue.

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Supportive relationship

COE Toolkit -Handling initial meetings with refugees: some guidelines 

Learning outcomes:
- To support the migrant to take a positive awareness of his/her movements (or migrations) and of the moments that have allowed the progressive construction of their identity. - To adopt behaviors adapted to the needs and specificities of the migrant and relativize the differences and the distances between cultures. - To facilitate the dialogue.

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General overview of origin countries
Supportive relationship
Transversal tools

COE Toolkit -Mapping refugees’ journeys and the local area

Learning outcomes:
- To support the migrant to take a positive awareness of his/her movements (or migrations) and of the moments that have allowed the progressive construction of their identity. - To adopt behaviors adapted to the needs and specificities of the migrant and relativize the differences and the distances between cultures. - To facilitate the dialogue.

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Intercultural communication

KILT - Sequence 6.3 - Prejudices, self-esteem and feeling of superiority

Learning outcomes:
- To interpret the cultural codes of the persons involved in the relationship (prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) in order to facilitate communication exchange and avoid misunderstandings - To adopt the most appropriate communication techniques and behavioral modalities to manage the different relational situations - To adapt your professional posture according to the different interpersonal and intercultural situations of the people who are welcomed. - To eliminate stereotypes and apply critical thinking.

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Intercultural communication

KILT - Sequence 6.4 – The meeting with the other

Learning outcomes:
- To interpret the cultural codes of the persons involved in the relationship (prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) in order to facilitate communication exchange and avoid misunderstandings - To adopt the most appropriate communication techniques and behavioral modalities to manage the different relational situations - To adapt your professional posture according to the different interpersonal and intercultural situations of the people who are welcomed. - To eliminate stereotypes and apply critical thinking.

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Intercultural communication

KILT - Sequence 7.1 - Acquarium

Learning outcomes:
- To interpret the cultural codes of the persons involved in the relationship (prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) in order to facilitate communication exchange and avoid misunderstandings - To adopt the most appropriate communication techniques and behavioral modalities to manage the different relational situations - To adapt your professional posture according to the different interpersonal and intercultural situations of the people who are welcomed. - To eliminate stereotypes and apply critical thinking.

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Intercultural communication

KILT project - Sequence 6.1 - Welcome, meeting with a Citizen, a migrant

Learning outcomes:
- To interpret the cultural codes of the persons involved in the relationship (prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) in order to facilitate communication exchange and avoid misunderstandings - To adopt the most appropriate communication techniques and behavioral modalities to manage the different relational situations - To adapt your professional posture according to the different interpersonal and intercultural situations of the people who are welcomed. - To eliminate stereotypes and apply critical thinking.

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Supportive relationship

KILT project – Sequence 5.3, Cartography of life trajectories

Learning outcomes:
- To support the migrant to take a positive awareness of his/her movements (or migrations) and of the moments that have allowed the progressive construction of their identity. - To adopt behaviors adapted to the needs and specificities of the migrant and relativize the differences and the distances between cultures. - To facilitate the dialogue.

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Intercultural communication

KILT- Sequence 6.2 - Non-violent communication: some keys for opening up to the other

Learning outcomes:
- To interpret the cultural codes of the persons involved in the relationship (prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) in order to facilitate communication exchange and avoid misunderstandings - To adopt the most appropriate communication techniques and behavioral modalities to manage the different relational situations - To adapt your professional posture according to the different interpersonal and intercultural situations of the people who are welcomed. - To eliminate stereotypes and apply critical thinking.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.